
Linking Theory to Practice

It is here, on this page, that I would like to provide you with some resources that will help you in your journey towards becoming a more thoughtful educator. Taking the steps towards changing the way in which you view teaching can be intimidating. Integrating technology and allowing students to take a more active role in their learning are new and innovative concepts. I believe it is important that we, as future teachers, educators, and life-long learners, support one another in this process.

I have provided a Slidecast presentation that may help you initiate a classroom discussion surrounding the concept of critical literacy. It is important that we facilitate active reading in our students and I hope that this presentation will give you some ideas of questions to ask your class when introducing a text.

If you are interested in creating your own Slidecast, then follow this link, and you will be forwarded to a tutorial that will walk you through the process.

Another way you can integrate critical literacy and technology into your students’ daily lives is by incorporating the use of a classroom blog. Blogs can provide individuals with a place to share personal thoughts, opinions, and ideas. A great way to utilize a blog would be to develop it as an online literature journal for students. Used in this way, the class blog can be accessed as a forum for literature discussions. Individuals can write book reviews and other people can add their comments without detracting from the original post. Students could greatly benefit from the integration of this technological tool. If you are interested in learning more about how to create your own classroom blog, watch the video tutorial below. You can also visits sites such as Edublogger and Blogger to get a better sense of all that is available.

Also…here are a couple of links that will direct you to sample classroom blogs to peruse and hopefully help further your understanding.

Mr. C’s Class Blog
The Official Blog of Mr. C's Class at Noel Elementary School! Modeling the use of technology to teachers and students.

Lead the Change
A conversation between a classroom and interesting people in the world.

Class of Ambrose
This blog is used to keep parents and students updated. Connecting a Detroit 5th grade class with the world